Somatic & Energetic work

Somatic Sex & Pleasure Coach | Tantrika | Sensualist Relationship & Couple Coach | Self-Love Advocate Body and Sacred De-armouring Practitioner Curious Human

Welcome to Intimasee Coaching & Bodywork Lab

Hi, my name is Chiara and this is my passion.

Take a moment to reflect on how often you suppress your desires, sacrifice your needs, conform to societal norms to be nice, fit in, or simply subconsciously protect yourself. Now, take a deep breath and imagine meeting your untamed emotional and erotic Self, allowing you to break free from these chains and embrace the raw authenticity buried within you. Imagine a life where you're in tune with your body. Your sensuality, pleasure, and power are yours to embrace. You understand your desires and “sensitivities”, and expressing them is second nature. Imagine your unique, genuine self shines through, creating a life that sets your soul on fire. How does it feel?

Our Lab at IntimaSee Coaching & Bodywork is an oasis of safety and comfort, where you can freely delve into the depths of your emotional, erotic, and energetic Self feeling heard and understood every step of the way. My mission is to empower you with a deeper understanding of your sexuality (meant as life force, and power) and a more loving relationship with your body so that you can be a better lover of yourself and in any relationship you want to create.

Together, we can journey to this remarkable destination.

Through my holistic approach tailored specifically to your needs, you will unlearn what you were taught was true and overcome these challenges to create a more fulfilling life. I will guide you to explore your emotions, understand where they come from, and accept them as part of who you are. I will help you uncover buried desires and tap into the powerful energy within you. By letting go of emotional baggage, you will pave the way for pleasure and self-discovery, leading to lasting changes in your life and relationships.

Are you ready to unlock a world of pleasure & deep connections?

Before starting a journey of self-love and erotic empowerment, you may experience the following:

  • Feeling disconnected from your sensual and pleasurable body.

  • Feeling emotionally numb, tense, or physically uncomfortable.

  • Lack of energy, playfulness, and joy in your daily lives.

  • Being stuck in your thoughts, doubting yourself, and struggling to know who you are or to be true to who you (think you) are.

  • Feeling ashamed about your body, emotions, and desires.

  • Fear of being too much or not enough, which holds you back or makes you a people pleaser, a good boy/girl,

  • Having difficulty setting personal boundaries

  • Not fully embracing your potential for pleasure and fulfillment.

  • Feeling lost, as if you're drifting through life without purpose..

Are you ready to say yes to the adventure?

What they say about my work

My Offerings

Try a free discovery call

When your body feels ready, you can find me here